Just think what you can do. With a different way of thinking.

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A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger.

I learned that asking the right questions is the best way to come up with breakthrough solutions to our biggest challenges. I also learned that there is a formula for coming up with the right questions.

Here is an insight and an exercise inspired by the book to consider this week

Idea: What If?

Asking "what if" gives us the power to imagine how things might be different.

One of the best ways to do this is through the combination of ideas. As David Kord Murray, a former NASA rocket scientist who later became the head of innovation at Intuit points out in his book Borrowing Brilliance:

“The nature of innovation [is that] we build new ideas out of existing ideas.”

For instance, Walt Disney asked himself “what if this amusement park could be like a movie, brought to life?” The good news for us is that according to the latest neurological research, the human brain is built just right for this type of task, constantly searching through the random data in your brain and asking “what if I put this together with that?”


Take one of your biggest challenges or opportunities you are facing, and start combining existing ideas to solve it. Be creative, and make sure to approach it with an attitude that any combination is possible, and no combination is too crazy.

Eventually you'll come up with a combination that actually works.

A lot of Kickstarters don’t get funded because they post, wait and just hope people find and fund them. With Kickstarter the more activity you have the further your item is pushed to the top of the list. More people then view your item, see that there is demand and are then interested in becoming involved.

We worked with Grub Stick on their Kickstarter project and put together an email campaign, sending it out to every data base we had. We also took to the phones. Beyond getting the word out, the video you post on Kickstarter is ultimately important. It is your best opportunity to tell your story, sell your vision and promote your idea.

By crafting a message to draw people to our Kickstarter project and video, we hit our goal in 12 hours and raising $69,054 with 533 orders.

Create a list of something – People are lazy. They don’t want to waste time on searching and gathering information. That’s the reason why lists are popular. Create a TOP10, or better yet, a TOP 100 list. Lists of movies, books, influential people, or any other topic can easily generate buzz. I am doing this blog from my Lazy Boy!

1. Get a Google account.
To start using Google Analytics for your business, the first step is to set up a Google account. Begin the process by signing up here.

2. Set up Google Analytics for your site.
Once your Google account is up and running, log in to the Google Analytics site. From your dashboard, click on the Admin button on the top right side of the page and add a new account. It is important to name your account after your domain, especially if you plan to install Google Analytics on multiple websites.

3. Configure your tracking code.
After you set up your new Google Analytics account, configure the tracking code for your website. There are a few tracking options available, depending on your needs. You can choose to track one domain (example.com), multiple pages on the same domain (example.com, blog.example.com), or multiple domains (example.com, example.net).

4. Install your tracking code on your site.
The process for adding your tracking code depends on the structure of your website. If your site is built using a management console, like WordPress, you can usually copy/paste it once into your header.php file before the tag in your HTML coding. If your site has several HTML pages, you may need to copy and paste the tracking code before the closing on each page.

5. Begin collecting data.
Now comes the fun part. By now, your Google Analytics tracking code should be pulling data from your site. Log in to your Google account and access your site’s data by clicking on your domain name. Track valuable information, such as daily visits and how long visitors spend on certain pages. This will give you insight to your web pages over time and changes you can make to improve them.

If you have a small business website and haven’t installed Google Analytics to track your data, sign up for an account today. The information this tool collects is invaluable for your business. It will help you improve the customer experience, which can positively impact your bottom line.

List from https://www.businessbee.com

Les Brown is one of my favorite motivational speakers. Hundreds of thousands are watching him on YouTube and tens of thousands interact with him regularly on Facebook. Addressing audiences from Denmark to the Caribbean, Les Brown is invited back again and again for his powerful message and the ability to connect with people from all walks of life. It isn’t just his great smile and his way with words that motivates people to take action like never before; when people face roadblocks or adversity it is the depth of his knowledge on achievement that creates lasting results.

Creativity expert Michael Michalko reveals life-changing tools that will help you think like a genius. This handbook details creative-thinking techniques for approaching problems in unconventional ways. Through thought-provoking exercises, you’ll learn how to create new ideas that will improve your personal life and your business life. Thinkertoy shows you how to look at the same information as everyone else and see something different.
With hints, tricks, tips, tales, and puzzles, Thinkertoys will open your mind to a world of innovative solutions to everyday and not-so-everyday problems. It's hard to put down!